Cryogenic Micronization

Control Micronization with Cryogenic Temperatures

Munit offers top-quality cryogenic micronization services. We understand that temperature control is critical during the micronization process to maintain product integrity.

Our advanced technology allows us to monitor the powder and equipment temperatures, ensuring consistent results.

Low temperatures during cryogenic micronization limit the formation of amorphous particles, impurities, and re-agglomeration of micronized particles.

Munit offers a GMP-compliant cryogenic setup to guarantee precise scalability and maintain high standards for the pharmaceutical, chemical, and food sectors.

Contact us to learn more about our cryogenic micronization services and how we can assist you.

How it works

Micronization at low temperature

Cryogenic micronization is a process that reduces materials at low temperatures, often using liquid nitrogen. By cooling both the product and the micronization chamber, low gas temperatures are maintained. This results in a controlled and effective micronization process without damaging the material.

  • Low gas temperature
  • Both the product and the micronization chamber can be cooled


Benefits of Cryogenic Micronization for Product Integrity and Stability

  • No increase amount of amorphous particles
  • No polymorphic changes
  • No increases of impurity level
  • No re-agglomeration of the micronized particles
  • Prevent the degradation of highly sensitive products
  • Control the product’s integrity
  • Improve processability of elastic/sticky compounds


Range of Application

  • Pharmaceutical industry
  • Polymers
  • Sensitive and sticky compounds
  • Food industry
  • Sensitive and sticky compounds
  • Direct compression
  • Capsules filling process
  • Oral dosage form
  • Temperature sensitive substances
  • Compounds with a low brittleness , elastic or semi-solid products

Start a project with us

We are world leading player in the field of particle size engineering for pharmaceutical substances.

Range of Products

Contact Us

Start a project with us

Find out how Munit can help you to increase the bioavailability of your pharmaceutical substances by reducing their particle size.

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